About Cynthia Baldauf
It's amazing to me that I lived my first 40 years without having a clue I would spend the second half of my life as a photographer. Being a photographer has allowed me to really see the world differently. I have always known that I loved horses, cowboys, and the west, but seeing them through the lens has made them even more important to me.
With that importance came obligation - to tell the story correctly - to record history - to document. The obligation grew when my husband and I discovered a wonderful place.......The Big Hole Valley in Montana. For us, it's been like the story of Alice in Wonderland when she first went into the rabbit hole. Another life exists there filled with true working ranchers, tending beef cattle and some still stacking hay the old-fashioned way, with a Beaverslide. 80 miles from major civilization we spend months each year in a tiny town, Wisdom, MT. Cattle drives still come right through Main Street – population 100.
Most of this website is a tribute to the wonderful, generous friends we have met in the West. Thank you for allowing us into your lives and letting me tell your story. I can only hope I've done it justice.
On our travels each door has opened another. Loving horses has led me to the Amish, mainly in Amish Country Ohio. My treasured friends live in towns within Holmes County, Ohio such as Charm, Sugarcreek, Mt Hope and Berlin. The food, scenery and rich history are something to behold. Take time to visit my Amish Gallery and fall in love as I have.
My life is filled with immeasurable blessings. As the years have passed, I have started to grant licenses for a fee to the most wonderful and talented artists imaginable. Seeing my images turned into an oil or watercolor paintings or even a quilt is one of those blessings I never even imagined as I started this journey.
Being used as a location guide by the BBC in Wild West – America’s Great Frontier and featured regularly in Range Magazine with my stories and images has added a lot of unforeseen joy to my world. I cannot wait to see what’s next.
Thanks so much for contacting me. I am totally available by phone, text or email. Your interest I my works means a lot to me.